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[1] D. Ionescu, I. B. Ciobanu, "A new formula for electrical resonances prediction applied to the stratified resins in high frequency fields", Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol.10, pp. 3416-3425, 2008 [2] D. Ionescu, I. B. Ciobanu, "About the electromagnetic properties of the Fe-Si-B-Nb-Cu soft magnetic composites", Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol.10, pp. 3305-3310, 2008 [3] D. Ionescu, B. Ciobanu, "High frequency simulation of granular CoFeHfO nanometric thin films", Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 10, pp. 2678-2683, 2008 [4] D. Ionescu, B. Ciobanu, I. Radinschi, "Frequency Resonant Behavior of the Effective Permittivity for a Polyvalent Liquid Crystal, in Microwave Range", Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 9, pp. 2608-2614, 2007 [5] S. Miclăuş, D. Ionescu, E. Surducan, “Dosimetric mesurments of low power microwaves absorption in liquid samples”, Bulgarian Journal of Physics, vol. 27, supp. 4, pp. 61-65, 2000