Personal Info
Given Name, Name |
Eduard Mihailescu |
Email |
| |
Nationality |
Romanian |
Sex |
Male |
Work Experience
Periods |
- Ubemar SA Iasi 2007 - present time
- Nenasoft SRL Iasi 2002 - 2007
- Intreprinderea Antrepriza Constructii Montaj Rm. Vilcea 1988 - 1990
Title of the Position
- Network Engineer
- Industrial Software Analyst & Developer
- Maintenance Technician
Main Activities and Responsabilities |
- LAN and computer-aided industrial equipments administrator
- System analyst on industrial information data flows and software development project manager
- Maintenance of electrics and electronics on building site encampments (PRAM)
Name and Address of Employer |
- Ubemar SA, No.3 Carol 1st Boulevard Iasi, Romaniai
- Nenasoft SRL, No.3 Carol 1st Boulevard Iasi, Romania
- The General Entreprise for Constructions from Rm. Vilcea, closed after 1989
Field of activity |
- Heavy Machinery and Lifting Equipments Industry
- Industrial Software for Machinery Entreprises
- Civilian and Industrial Constructions
Periods of attendance |
- The Faculty of History 2004-2009
- Master in Biomedical Engineering 2004-2005
- Cisco Certified Network Associate 2001-2002
- The Faculty of Economy 1997 - 2002
- The No.3 Industrial Highschool from Rm. Vilcea 1984-1988
Qualifications/Diplomas |
- BA, Historian (certified proof for graduation)
- MSc, Master in Biomedical Engineering (certified proof for graduation)
- CCNA, Cisco Certified Network Associate (international certificate)
- BSc, Financial - Accounting Economist (diploma of graduation)
- Tehnician in Electronics (certificate of professional qualification)
Name and type of the educational institution |
- Faculty of History, The University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" from Iasi
- Faculty de Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, The University "Gheorghe Asachi" from Iasi
- The Academy for Higher Military Studies Bucharest in co-operation with Cisco Systems USA
- Faculty of Economics, The University "Petre Andrei" from Iasi
- Industrial Highschool Nr. 3 from Rm. Vilcea
Skills and other Competencies
Foreign languages |
- Modern languages: English (advanced), French (literate), German (basic) and Spanish (basic)
- Extincted languages: Latin (basic)
Information technology skills |
- Routers: Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS)
- Linux: Ubuntu distributions
- Varios Office tools
- CMS (Content Management System): Joomla (freeware) and IBM Lotus Notes/Domino
- HTML Editors: Macromedia DreamWeaver 8
- Image processing: Macromedia FireWorks 8
- Educational platforms : Moodle LMS
- Expertise in structured cabling projects
- Expertise in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) projects
Social skills |
Fluid in multicultural enviroments |
Management skills |
Expertise in the management of the medium-size organizations |
Driving licence |
B category
Doctoral Studies
Duration |
2006-2011 |
Title of the thesis |
Contributions for Methods and Implementations of Computer-Aided Education with Applications for Electronics and Computers |
PhD Adviser
Prof. Dr. ing. Horia Nicolai Teodorescu, m.c.
PhD exams and reports |
Exams |
- Circuite Integrate Analogice (sustinut)
- Complemente de Inteligenta Artificiala (sustinut)
- Retele de Calculatoare si Sisteme Distribuite in Aplicatii Medicale (sustinut)
- Tehnici Avansate de Programare a Calculatoarelor si Limbaje de Programare (sustinut)
Reports |
- Contributii la Metode si Implementari ale Invatamintului Asistat de Calculator (IAC) cu Aplicatii pentru Electronica si Calculatoare (sustinut)
- Tendinte in Dezvoltarea Invatamintului Asistat de Calculator (IAC). Argumentarea Optiunii Tehnologiilor Deschise in Contextul Socio-Economic Contemporan (sustinut)
- Theoretical and Technical Contributions in the Evaluation of the Complexity/Intuitivity of Educational Web Pages (presented)
- Submission of thesis
- "Developments in Assesment Tehniques for Moodle Educational Web Pages" ECEL 2011, November 2011, Brighton UK (abstract accepted)
Publications and Conference Proceedings
- "Specific Protocols Used in Space Communications", A. Brezulianu, E. Mihailescu, European Mars and Planetary Convention EMC2004, Iasi Romania, July 2004
- "Contemporary Requirements in Web Rating Criteria", E. Mihailescu, ECIT 2006, Iasi, 19-22 Septembrie 2006
- "Speech Technology and Bio-Medical Engineering Teaching Based on the Web – A New Tool and Case Study", H.N. Teodorescu m.c., E. Mihailescu, Villach, Austria, 27-29 September 2006.
- "The Case of History of Electronics In The World - A Socio-Professional Approach", H.N. Teodorescu m.c., E. Mihailescu, Academia Romana Bucuresti, Sesiunea CRIFST October 2006
- "Virtual Museums and the E-Learning for the History of Sciences", Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu m.c., E. Mihailescu, Dumitru Scheianu, Emil Sofron, Academia Romana Bucuresti, Sesiunea CRIFST October 2007
- "An Overview of Open Projects in Contemporary E-Learning. A Moodle Case Study", E.Mihailescu, ECIT 2008 – 5th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies Iasi, Romania, July 10-12, 2008 (published in Springer)
- Member in the organization teams for ECIT 2006, ECIT 2008 and ECIT 2010
- "Developments in Modular Architecture of Learning Management Systems (LMSs). A Moodle Case Study", Eduard Mihailescu, ICTEI 2010, May 2010
- "Retele de Calculatoare si Aplicatii", Adrian Brezulianu, Eduard Mihailescu, Alexandru Toderita, Editura Politehnium 2010 Iasi
- "Balancing Dynamic Overload In Moodle E-Learning Servers by Virtual Means"Eduard Mihailescu, ICVL 2010, October 2010,Tg. Mures, Romania
- "Developments in the Augmentation of LMSs by CMSs Means. A Moodle/Joomla Case Study", Eduard Mihailescu, ELSE 2011, 28-29 April 2011 Bucuresti