Diploma confered by the Ministry of Education and Research nominating CERFS as National Center of Excellence
The Center for Research in Fuzzy Systems, Intelligent Systems and Biomedical Engineering CERFS was awarded in 2004 the Diploma of National
Research Excellence by the Ministry of Education and Research in Romania.
The mission of The Center for Research in Fuzzy Systems, Intelligent Systems and Biomedical Engineering - (CERFS) is to be a leading
national, internationally active research hub and node in the application of AI and intelligent systems in fields ranging from applied
mathematics to medicine to speech technology to space.
The Center cooperates with several European and international research teams (Japan, USA), with industry, and non-government
The CERFS research center did not operated (had no activities) between 1st January – February 21, 2012. According to the decision
of the Senate of "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, in its meeting of February 21, the self-resignation demand
by Prof. dr. Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu was accepted and the new designated director is Assoc. Prof. dr. Adrian Brezulianu.
Prof. Teodorescu remains Honorary Funding Director.
Last Updated on Monday, 14 May 2012 10:24